Every coach must ensure directly or through designated team parents that the fields and goals are safe for their players – every time they step on the field. Do not assume that the teams playing prior to your games checked the security of the goals. Your players' safety depends on your vigilance.
Coach should arrive at the fields with adequate time to perform the following tasks prior to the start of the game:
Coaches, please notify the office every time you must take action to ensure compliance with the items above so that MTsc can address them permanently.
Also please view the Goal Safety related video to obtain a further understanding of the importance of goal inspections.
The following are not allowed at the MTsc U Soccer Facilities:
In addition, all who enter shall:
Violators, if requested, will be required to leave the SoccerPlex
MTsc U reserves the right to deny violators future access to any MTsc U SoccerPlex
MTsc U Field Marshals are Part of a Formal MTsc U Program to Assist in Keeping Game Day Safe and Fun for All!
MISSING PARENT – Where a child finds an MTsc Administrator and lets them know their parents/legal guardian(s) are missing or an adult, and on behalf of such child notifies an MTsc Administrator that they have a lost child missing their parents. In such case, the child will be kept with the Referee Unit by the Concessions stand and Referee Shack until they are claimed by their parent/legal guardian.
MISSING CHILD – Where a parent or legal guardian notifies an MTsc Administrator that they have a child missing. In such case,
Continuous short blasts from the air horn means a child is missing and MTsc is on lockdown. Lockdown means that no one can enter or leave the SoccerPlex. Field Marshals, MTsc referees and/or MTsc onsite administrators will block and/or lock all roadway entrance/exits so that people can NOT enter or leave the SoccerPlex and the Tulsa Police will be immediately notified.
One extremely long blast from the air horn means the child has been found and allowed entry and exit to the SoccerPlex will be allowed.
Pests/Theives, like in your home, if you leave food out, the pests sooner or later are attracted and so is the case with thieves. Don’t leave valuables in your unattended vehicle visible to passerby’s. Don’t leave anything of value where someone can see it through the vehicle windows such as handbags, cell phones, computer or gaming electronics, wallets, keys, money etc. Remember, you park at your own risk and no one is responsible for damage or loss other than yourself. So don’t attract pests. Keep the counters clean to keep the pests away and so does not leaving valuables visible in your unattended vehicle.
Handicap Parking is Reserved for Vehicles with Valid Visibly Shown Handicap Parking Permits ONLY! Violator's vehicles will be tagged to be towed AND/OR the violators subject to being banned from the SoccerPlex. This applies to all handicap parking locations which are marked.
In the event lightning is detected, MTsc Referees will issue a command for everyone to depart to your vehicles. This will be initiated through the sound of an air horn blast and additionally visually through pulsating blue lights from atop the Referee Shack to inform MTsc referees, teams and patrons to immediately abandon their match and go to their vehicles. MTsc requires that all fields be cleared; teams DO NOT have an option to remain on the field – everyone MUST immediately go to and remain in their vehicles and wait for the signal to return to their match.
Teams will be notified by air horn and through the visible return of referees to the fields that it is okay to return to the fields and resume play. Additionally by visual inspection of the blue lights atop the referee shack if the lights are (a) off then it is safe to come on to the fields otherwise (b) on then remain in your vehicle and monitor the situation.
The following air horn blasts will be used to notify referees, teams and patrons to either (a) clear the fields and wait in their vehicles or (b) return to the fields and resume their match:
One long blast from the air horns means to clear the field.
Two or Three short blasts from the air horns mean that players and parents can return to the fields and resume play.
For real time game day updates please follow MTsc by Liking “Metro Tulsa Soccer Club” on Facebook or follow "MetroTulsaSC" on Twitter. Remember MTsc's policy is all games are on as scheduled UNLESS posted otherwise.
You may also follow an active feed from Twitter on www.MetroTulsaSoccer.com by clicking on the FB/Twitter logos on the right side of our homepage but recognize that the responsiveness of the feed is technology driven by Twitter and Sport Ngin (MTsc's website host provider) and therefore expect to have to continually refresh the homepage for delayed information to become available. Also note that responsiveness of the feed may also be impacted by the browser you are using. Fire Fox/Mozilla, Google Chrome and Safari have been found to occasionally be more responsive than Internet Explorer.
In the event it is formally reported to MTsc that there is any threat of actual abuse to oneself or to any others (which includes physical, verbal or psychological and threats to perpetrate any of these types of acts), MTsc at a minimum will ask such person to be removed or to remove themselves from the MTsc team and premises (if applicable) until such time that a medical assessment is provided to MTsc stating that such person is not a threat to harm themselves or anyone else. This applies to players as well as adults. This action will be taken in the best interests of safety for all others involved in or supporting MTsc and its players and administrators.
United States Soccer Federation (USSF) Law 4 - The Players Equipment / Safety
A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous to himself or another player (including any kind of jewelry). All items of jewelry (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather bands, rubber bands, etc.) are strictly forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover jewelry is not acceptable. Referees are also prohibited from wearing jewelry (except for a watch or similar device for timing the match).
Disciplinary Actions - The players are to be inspected before the match begins and substitutes before they enter the field of play. If a player is discovered to be wearing unauthorized clothing or jewelry during play, the referee must:
Beginning February 2016, U.S. Soccer recommends that heading the ball be prohibited for children 10 and under (U12 and younger), and to limit the activity to practice only for children ages 11 to 13 (U12-U14).
To help ensure the health and safety of young athletes, CDC developed the Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports initiative to offer information about concussions to coaches, parents, and athletes involved in youth sports. The Heads Up initiative provides important information on preventing, recognizing, and responding to a concussion.
Abby Wambach, U.S. Women’s National Team star, 4-time U.S. Soccer Athlete of the Year and Olympic gold medalist explains how she learnt how to head the soccer ball.
Brandi Chastain, former U.S. Women’s National Team World Cup Champion and Olympic gold medalist explains how to properly head a soccer ball.
Brian Williams brings you a report on concussions in youth soccer and how it is the second highest sport to football in reported concussion cases. This video and the above CDC fact sheets will help parents and coaches identify and prevent any long term negative effects related to concussions. Remember, head gear can be purchased through sports retailers which also helps prevent concussions.
Children are more susceptible to heat illness than adults. With this in mind and the summer heat, the U.S. Soccer Federation - the governing body of all soccer in the United States - has taken a leadership role to develop and distribute Youth Soccer Heat Stress Guidelines for youth coaches, parents and players.
The goal is to help prevent the potentially deadly effects of heat illness among children who play soccer. The guidelines provide an overview of the latest research and information regarding: 1) the physiological factors and soccer-specific factors that place young athletes at risk for heat illness, 2) heat illness prevention techniques and 3) the signs and symptoms of dehydration and heat illness.
To ensure the key points from the guidelines are memorable for coaches, parents and kids, the U.S. Soccer Federation has developed the acronym - G.O.A.L. Please click on the link to the left and make yourself familiar with this important safety aspect of the game of soccer.